About Us
Mughal & Construction LTD. proved to be a good blend of professional engineers and technical staff to extend the services commercially.
Who We Are
Among the known construction companies in the London.
Mughal & Construction LTD. was formed in 2007 to carry out detailed engineering works, in order to address and translated the site related facilities into engineering solutions.
Mughal & Construction LTD. proved to be a good blend of professional engineers and technical staff to extend the services commercially. The augmentation and professional persistence gave rise to the formation of multiple engineering cells. A part from serving our own construction wing it is successfully selling the services to local clients.
Mughal & Construction LTD. is presently engaged in the design of infrastructure projects involving the town planning, design of roads, pavements, sewerage, water supply electrical works apart from the design of high-rise structural elements with equally delicate architectural elements and finishes.
The design and construction industry is a fiercely competitive business. Mughal & Construction LTD., we believe that a company can succeed only by balancing and using its primary resources – its people – in ways that maximize client’s satisfaction and individual talent. Our company stands alone in providing the right people at the right time with the right level of services. We set out from day one to exceed our customer’s expectations, not merely satisfy their needs. This drives everything we do.